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Flows for the Future

Posted 3rd February 2020. This project is now completed.

The Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association has been involved in the Flows for the Future Program since 2017. GWLAP is contracted by Department for Environment and Water to engage with landholders in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges that are eligible to participate in the project.

Why we need connected, healthy water catchments

As Australians, we all know how valuable water is. Without healthy sources of water, we, our native animals, critical ecosystems, and our ability to use the land for production will suffer. By looking after the health of our catchments today, we can help ensure future land managers have the opportunity to farm viably and be surrounded by healthy ecosystems that are in the best position to survive in years to come.

The Flows for the Future Program has been established to ensure the long term viability of catchment health within the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges (EMLR).

What’s the problem?

Productive and sustainable businesses need healthy water catchments. The Flows for the Future Program aims to improve the health and resilience of catchments in the EMLR.

By funding the design and restoration of ‘low flows’ on dams and watercourse diversions, the program is restoring more natural stream flows throughout the stream systems that bring life to the EMLR.

There are more than 8,000 dams in the EMLR alone. These devices allow low flows of water to pass around dams into the streamline below during natural periods of flow (via rainfall, runoff etc.)

Low flows are crucial for sustaining a minimum level of catchment health. We know that one of the biggest causes of deteriorating catchment health in the Mount Lofty Ranges is the absence of low flows and the Flows for the Future Program is working hard to reinstate this critical water flow pattern.

Example of a low flow device installed on a dam in the EMLR