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GWLAP recognise outstanding achievers

Posted 15th February, 2016. This project is now completed.

GWLAP has recognised some outstanding participants in our Eastern Hills and Plains Programs.

Three champions were chosen for contributing to the community and local biodiversity and who really do walk the talk when it comes down to doing their bit. In this case, they were all from within the Finniss River Catchment. For all the other great people and groups in our area who are doing your bit, thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it all so very much and cannot thank you enough.

Derek and Helen Fenton-committed volunteers with the Finniss Catchment Group, managing funding and on-ground works on the Finniss River with landholders, Finniss Nursery management and countless in-kind hours to the cause, input into planning and community events and coordination of Finniss Catchment Group working bees to restore the Finniss River through weed control.

Sally Richards– protecting and managing high value remnant vegetation through active weed control and revegetation, Finniss Nursery volunteering, input into countless planning and community initiatives and involvement with a number of community environmental groups and organisations, and all with biodiversity conservation in mind.

Robert Crouch-protecting large areas of high value remnant vegetation on the Finniss River through heritage agreements and extensive active restoration via weed control, fencing, stock management and revegetation works. Robert assisted with captive breeding of threatened fishes in his farm dams and allowed access to his beautiful section of the Finniss River for field days, monitoring and research.

Each of these people were recognised with a certificate of appreciation from the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association.