One Tree Per Child Mount Barker
Activity From The FireWise Project
We recently had the privilege of working with the students at Mount Barker South Primary School in partnership with Arborgreen and Mount Barker District Council.
Co-founded by Olivia Newton-John and Jon Dee, One Tree Per Child has inspired over 10 million native trees and shrubs to be planted across Australia by children dedicated to making a difference.
Staff from Arborgeen, One Tree Per Child project, Second Nature and Mount Barker District Council with student leader Peita Meakin (third from left, top). Image credit: Arborgeen.
The creativity was overflowing!
Thanks to the vision of student leader Peita Meakin, who shared her classmates' wish for more green spaces, and the enthusiasm of Principal Cassie Manton, the school community is bringing this project to life. Council and Second Nature Conservancy donated 400 native trees shrubs and grasses, and ArborGreen provided tree guards for the kids to decorate and personalise.
“We’re excited to make this project an annual tradition,” Cassie shared. Every new student will plant a tree, connecting generations to the school and the environment they help nurture.
This activity is part of the Fire Wise program, a collaborative project between Second Nature Conservancy and the @Mount Barker District Council. Fire Wise is funded through a grant from the @Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife as part of the federal government’s Preparing Australian Communities Program. It aims to enhance community resilience and support biodiversity through the promotion and use of low flammability native plants.