An Interactive Walk & Talk From The Nature Education Project
It's spring! Join us for a guided walk at Scott Conservation Park to explore and observe some of the orchids common to the area.
Learn the basics of orchid identification, what to look for and how to use citizen science platforms like iNaturalist to upload your observations and learn about what you see. We will wander along the designated walking trail and stop to chat as we go.
We will keep the group small to maximise your experience so be quick to register your place!
Glossodia major, Waxlip orchid
The Native Orchid Society of South Australia promotes the conservation of Australian native orchids through cultivation and the preservation of naturally occurring orchids and natural habitat. All native orchids are protected in Australia. Collection of any plant material without a permit is illegal. To learn more about NOSSA, visit their website here.
This event is supported by the Native Orchid Society of South Australia with Second Nature and is seeded by Green Adelaide
Event Details…
We will have some identification sheets available on the day, or feel free to bring your own books/resources if you have any.
Scott Conservation Park is a small park near Ashbourne and Currency Creek, characterised as low woodland vegetation with Brown Stringybark, Cup Gum and Peppermint Box habitat.
Meet at the carpark/gate on Gould Road, towards the Deep Creek Road end of Gould Road. We will have the Second Nature sign out on the day.
Important Information:
The trail is uneven, and there are some inclines and declines as part of the walk. A moderate level of fitness is recommended
As we are in a Conservation Park there are no toilet facilities, the closet option would be in Ashbourne or Mount Compass
Please ensure to BYO drinking water and wear appropriate clothing and footwear for bushwalking
Participants under 18 years of age will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult
There is limited parking on-site, carpooling is appreciated where possible
Click above to download a copy of the orchid identification chart, thanks to Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu