Monarto to Tungkillo Biodiversity Links Phase 2

This project is supported by the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board through funding from the landscape levies.

The Objective

This project will undertake habitat restoration and reconstruction activities at key priority sites within the landscape roughly bounded by Monarto to the south, Tungkillo to the north, The Murraylands and Riverland Region boundary to the west and the Murray River to the east.

The focus for this project’s acitivities will be to implement biodiversity through on-ground work on large blocks of remnant and reconstructed vegetation. We’ll also be identifying land linkages in order to connect and extend vital habitat across this region.

Further Details…

Achievements in 2024…

  • Developed a spatial database for Eastern Hills and Murray Plains on-ground works

  • Developed management plans for project sites including species lists

  • Improved condition and increased extent of 25Ha of habitat within reserves

  • Grow and plant 2000 seedlings including 250 of conservation significant flora

  • Undertook habitat manipulation works

  • Held successful planting days with landholders in Rockleigh (image below), and Second Nature Conservancy staff and the Department for Environment and Water – National Parks and Wildlife Service SA.  Nearly 400 conservation-significant plants were planted, including Prostanthera eurybioides, Olearia pannosa, and Acacia menzelii.

  • Identified key regional priorities

  • Engaged with new landholders and the wider community

Objectives for 2025…

  • Improve diversity and structure within 43 Ha of remnant and revegetated sites by planting 4000 local provenance seedlings and undertake targeted weed control and habitat manipulation works to offer greater opportunities for food and habitat resources for wildlife and encourage natural regeneration within 720 Ha.

  • Develop management plans for year 2 sites including species lists

  • Continue to connect with landholders and groups of landholders, understand their needs and the opportunities and constraints to implementing habitat restoration and reconstruction at property and landscape scales while also continuing to build a functioning network.

  • Provide technical information to the network and harness the motivation of landholders to incrementally increase on-ground habitat restoration and reconstruction into the future.

  • Hold a Walk and Talk event within the region

  • Hold a planting event to bring project site owners together and share learnings

  • Collect seed for future use in both tube stock and direct seeding

  • Collect Expressions of Interest from landholders within the region

Nature Project Activity

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