The Regenerative Farming In Eastern Mount Lofty Nature Project

This nature project is supported by Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu Grassroots Grants Program, and is funded by the landscape levy.

The Objective

Second Nature is working to facilitate and support on-farm learnings for regenerative farming practices.

Local networks and groups are well-known to be valuable components in the adoption of regenerative farming practices. This project provides opportunities for the local Eastern Mount Lofty Regenerative Farming Group to continue to come together for networking events where they can share and learn from each other on their own farms.

These events give members opportunities to walk on the farm and discuss challenges and ideas for the improvement of practices that support biodiverse and productive landscapes.

The project will engage experts to attend farm walks to support specific management issues with the group for best practice skill development and to address issues specific to the group members' farms.

The facilitation and support for the Eastern Mount Lofty Regenerative Farming Group contributes to the broader Hills and Fleurieu Regenerative Farming Network and complements this program with access to resources in the Second Nature Regenerative Farming Knowledge Hub with books and information to support ongoing learning.

Further Details…

This initiative offers frequent on-farm gatherings, each centered on diverse topics aimed at promoting the adoption of regenerative agriculture and land management techniques across the Eastern Mount Lofty Area.

Valuable resources for farmers' learning journeys are accessible via the Second Nature Regenerative Farming Knowledge Hub.

Nature Project Activity

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