Now available at Alexandrina Community Nursery

Posted 6th November 2020. This project is now completed.

Alexandrina Community Nursery still has a wide range of native plants in stock.  Here are some species that are suitable for gardens and available now.

Gahnia sieberianaRed Fruited Saw Sedge

This large robust sedge has arching leaves and dark panicles that give this plant a distinctive look and make it interesting contrast plant.

As the name ‘saw sedge’ suggests, it has rough edges that can cause injury so best planted as a back-drop plant rather than along a path. It flowers all year round and tolerates drought and moderate frost.

Arthropodium strictum – Chocolate Lily

Chocolate Lily is a small lily that’s perfect for rockeries and small patches in the home garden. Plant a whole bunch in a large patch for an amazing scented display. It has a mauve six-petal star-shaped flower the size of a $2 coin.

Chocolate Lillies attract native bees, moths and butterflies. In the natural environment, you will see it growing in native grasslands and open areas in woodlands and forest where there is full sunlight or dappled shade. Flowers appear from September through to January.

Chrysocephalum apiculatumCommon Everlasting

This fast growing, low-spreading perennial will last for many years. The bright yellow flowers appear in clusters at the end of tall grey-green stems during late spring and summer. Common Everlasting is perfect for borders or adding colour to a foreground space. Trim off the spent flowerheads for best results.

This plant prefers well-drained soils and can cope with full sun. Mulch will help it thrive through summer. Common Everlasting is attractive to native butterflies and is a caterpillar plant.

Acacia myrtifoliaMyrtle Wattle

Myrtle Wattle grows from 1-3 metres and is a dense bushy shrub with creamy white or pale yellow ball flowers in Winter and Spring. These are followed by 4-7cm long curved seed pods.

Acacia myrtifolia is the ideal plant as it requires little or no maintenance and has no real pests or diseases. After flowering, the plant could be given a light prune to stop it becoming leggy. Bird and insect attracting.

Callistemon rugulosus – Scarlet bottlebrush

Scarlet bottlebrush is an extremely attractive shrub that is very useful as a screen or windbreak. It has dense, bright green foliage that is pointed at the tip and covered in silky hairs. It produces very conspicuous puffy red bottlebrush flowers that are yellow-tipped throughout summer. Prefers moist, friable, well-drained soil but will grow in just about any soil, including poor soil. Attracts a range of birds and insects.

Alexandrina Community Nursery is located on Kessell Road, Goolwa (near the Alexandrina Council depot) and is open every Friday from 9am to 4pm.


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