Past Projects
Official Opening of the Point Sturt Landcare Reserve
On Sunday 23rd September, the Point Sturt and Districts Landcare Group officially opened the Point Sturt and District Landcare Reserve. Over 80 people enjoyed a guided walking tour of the reserve before the officialy opening.
Fantastic revegetation at Mount Barker
What a difference two years has made at Anembo Park! In 2014 the District Council of Mount Barker and Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association joined forces to revegetate the watercourse running…
Tree Skink
Last week Will was lucky to come across this little lizard, confirmed by the Herpetology Department of the SA Museum as a Tree Skink (Ergernia striolata). It is unusual to find this lizard in the Mt Barker area
nrmFARM – a great free tool for recording management activities on your property
nrmFARM is a tool made available by Natural Resources, SA Murray-Darling Basin via their website. It allows you to make a map of your property, include fencelines and features and also record information like chemical applications, sowing dates, yield data, livestock movements, soil test results, weed sightings and much more.
Eastern Fleurieu School to join Clean Up Australia Day
We are excited to add a new project to our on-ground works activities thanks to funding from the Native Vegetation Council. The project will tackle weeds in high quality remnant Red-gum woodlands over the next three years…
Restoring Red-gum woodlands
We are excited to add a new project to our on-ground works activities thanks to funding from the Native Vegetation Council. The project will tackle weeds in high quality remnant Red-gum woodlands over the next three years…
Rabbit Control
The GWLAP works crew have been busy this summer controlling rabbits in and around our many project sites. Rabbits can cause untold damage to our revegetation and bushcare sites and the success (or otherwise) of our rabbit control programs can either make or break an entire project…
Wow! Watchalunga planting day a huge success!
Wow! Watchalunga planting day a huge success!
Volunteers changing the view from the freeway
Volunteers changing the view from the freeway
GWLAP’s 20 Million Trees projects are right on track
GWLAPs 20 Million Trees are right on Track…
Protecting Prospect Hill Bushland for the future
Protecting Prospect Hill Bushland for the future…