Red Gum Woodlands

Posted 3rd February 2020. This project is now completed.

GWLAP are working to restore some vitally important remnants of Red-gum woodlands within the Finniss River Catchment.

The Native Vegetation Council are supporting a 3-year project to undertake ecological restoration within 260 hectares of Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlands and 590 hectares of other plant communities. These are areas of high conservation priority in the Finniss River Catchment and include critically endangered Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp, Eucalyptus ovata (swamp gum) forest, Eucalyptus dalrympleana ssp. dalrympleana (Candle bark) tall open forest and Eucalyptus viminalis (Manna gum) woodland.

GWLAP are working with landowners with areas of private land that are linked to each other, creating large precincts of remnant bushland that are collectively managed as a group. So far over 20 landowners are involved.

The key to this project is the high level of landscape connectivity between areas of private land as well as the Finniss and Cox Scrub Conservation Parks. In terms of management, the sites are receiving targeted bushland weed control works by skilled contractors and the participating landholders to improve vegetation condition and health. The project is also working on restoring sections of the Finniss River.

Highlights of the project include:

  • 850 Ha of high conservation priority areas treated for weeds.

  • 20 separate landholders involved in the project.

  • Builds on other projects

  • Helping rare plants and animals

  • Two well-attended guided walks have been held to showcase the project and raise awareness of watercourse and bushland restoration.

This project builds on significant works achieved under previous projects including the ‘Mount Compass to Meadows Biodiversity Links Project’ with many sites having the great advantage of several years of weed control works already undertaken. The project has ensured the continued upkeep and further improvement of these sites and the addition of some highly significant sites. A new area of note includes a 55 Ha patch of Red-gum grassy woodland at Ashbourne containing quality understorey and significant habitat values. Brown tree creepers, Elegant parrots, rare plants and numerous mammals and reptiles are known to the site.


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